e-learning solutions

We are experts in tomorrow's education tools and strategies

e learning

We specialize in the implementation of e-learning platforms and strategies internationally (Assignment as Expert for the European Union).

Read our brochure for more information on our expertise in on-line training solutions:

  pdf icon Moving forward with e-learning


The implementation of an LMS solution is a complex process that requires a variety of skills. We can achieve all technical aspects of the project and more.

LMS Setup and Customization

Installing and configuring a dedicated server (Unix or Windows)
Moodle default installation
Basic customization (theme, plugins)
Additional customization (css, php, html and custom graphic design)
Advanced customization (plugins development, integration from/to other environments, other specific project requirements)


Server Administration

Server-to-server migration
Moodle updates, backups, restoration
Set-up of automatic backups


User Management

User account management (create, edit, delete users)
Permissions management (definition/customization of Moodle roles [Manager, Teacher, Student, etc.])
Access management (user registration on a role/course basis)


Content management

Course creation
Integration of educational content in the courses as per a storyboard
Configuration of educational activities



Training of technical staff to platform administration and to user management
Training teaching staff to leverage Moodle possibilities (educational activities, communication tools, reporting...)